Saturday, October 01, 2005

It's getting better

Hi and Good-day
Well lifes been shit but it now seems to be on the up.
Some time ago I was the happiest bunny on the plot but a lot has happened since then, now it's all history but it killed me at the time.
Whilst copeing with shit in my home life ' My boss ' the guy who pretends to be a great guy and his side kick Told me I was the employee from hell.
Since every other boss I'd had only ever said I was good at whatever job I did, I could not understand this. I have no one I can talk to so this festered and grew untill I almost believed it myself.
We then went on holiday and me wanting my other half and his youngest daughter to really have the quality time to-gether and with work festering I withdrew into my shell and he almost cut me me out of his time too It was like I was not there most of the time. I felt so lonely and alone but what the hell everyone else was happy.
We got home and he then finished me off with he didn't love me anymore but hell I didn't like myself either.
Life couldn't get any worse or could it? oh yes it could He was now chatting to the person who had started my downfall just four short months ago.
I don't know how we or I have survived but we are still together.
He doesn't love me but he told me years ago that he would never love me.
But we are talking and making plans for the future but how long will this last? I have no idea all I can do is survive each day, day by day.
Okay enough of the past I am now so out of sorts that I hate myself but the future is looking brighter.
The two faced boss is looking for another job his sidekick is leaving around about Christmas and hubby seems happy.

See every one has their troubles and me I don't give in easy so I think we may well get through this It just depends on the guy I love. I consider I'm quite lucky though I am alive and I do have fellings some people are dying and others are killed.

Oh just one other thing before I finish fairytales are total and utter CODSWALLOP!!!!


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